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来源:   作者:     日期:2024-02-18   点击数:  

2024210日中午,乔治亚州立大学Georgia State University, GSU生物系中国学生会Biology Chinese Student Association, BCSA) GSU学生中心宴会厅举办了春节活动,老师和同学们欢聚一堂,辞旧迎新,共同庆祝中华民族最重要的节日——春节。565net必赢最新版-乔治亚州立大学生物工程中外合作办学项目美方负责人Phang-Chang Tai教授Hongmei Zhang老师出席本次活动,交大中美班赴美的20202021级全体同学参与了本次活动。

At noon on February 10,2024, the Biology Chinese Student Association BCSA) of Georgia State University (GSU) held a Spring Festival activity in Student Center Ballroom on GSU campus. Teachers and students gathered together to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the New Year to celebrate the —— Spring Festival, the most important festival of the Chinese nation. Prof. Phang-Chang Tai and Dr. Hongmei Zhang, the U.S. leaders of the Southwest Jiaotong University--Georgia State University Bioengineering Sino-foreign Cooperative Program, attended this event, and all the students of Classes 2020 and 2021 of the Sino-foreign Cooperative Program of Southwest Jiaotong University in the U.S. took part in this event.

活动伊始,Phang-Chang Tai教授Hongmei Zhang老师致辞,就同学们在美国学习交流期间取得好成绩提出表扬,对去年的学习生活进行总结,也期待未来同学们能取得更优异的成绩,最后祝愿大家在新的一年龙年大吉,万事如意。

At the beginning of the activity, Prof.Phang-Chang Tai and Dr. Hongmei Zhang delivered a speech, praising the students for their good results during the study and exchange in the United States, summarized their study and life last year, and also looked forward to achieving more excellent results in the future. Finally, they wish students all good luck in the Year of the loong in the New Year.


Then, the attending students received red envelopes and participated in the activity of Blessing Blind Box, where students wrote down their New Year blessings, adding fun to the activity and welcoming blessings for the new year. Among them, students also performed wonderful programs, which made the scene lively and pushed the activity to the climax, and at the same time, let everyone feel the strong flavor of the New Year.


Finally, the Biology Chinese Student Association of GSU also prepared a delicious Chinese food for the attendees, so that everyone could feel the taste of home in a foreign country, and the students sat around and had a reunion.


The loong, a symbol of good fortune in Chinese culture, represents wisdom, strength and good luck. The Chinese New Year activity not only provided a warm festive atmosphere, but also relieved the homesickness of all the students from the Classes of 2020 and 2021 who are going to study in the U.S., and made the traditional Chinese culture memorized in their hearts.


Meanwhile the event could not have been successful without the hard work and dedication of the Georgia State University Biology Chinese Student Association Executive Committee and the generous support of SWJTU. This Georgia State University Biology Chinese Student Association Spring Festival event was successfully concluded.